Scuba school international

Nage Equilibre, cours de natation et de nage en eau libre

Scuba School International (SSI)

Cédric Rowarch de Nage Equililbre est certifié instructeur SSI Swim Schools International

Je suis en capacité de former toute personne désirant enseigner les programmes SSI ( Scuba School International) de natation, qu’elle soit déjà titulaire ou non d’une qualification française d’enseignant de la natation.

Par ailleurs, je suis actuellement le seul Swim Teacher Instructor francophone.

About Swim Schools International

Swim Schools International grew from the passion of a few avid aquatic professionals in both the swimming and scuba diving worlds.

They were intent upon creating a worldwide, standardized program for swim instruction, open to anyone that wanted to better their abilities and level of swim instruction in their facilities.

SSI provides educational materials, training and certification for Swim Teachers, Swim Teacher Instructors, and Aquatic Training Facilities around the world.

Je peux former :

Baby Swim Teacher

Teacher Level 1 and 2

Adult Swim Teacher